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Big data

Data in Our Fast-Moving World. It is Big and It is Clever

The reliance of effective businesses and fast, accurate data grows exponentially by the minute.

We are told that by 2025, about 180 zettabytes of data will be generated every year. There will be over 100 billion connections, and 85% of enterprise applications will be deployed on the cloud.

These massive volumes of data will require bigger, wider, faster data pipes. This presents companies at the forefront such as Utopia and our vendor-partner Huawei with strategic opportunities.

In a world where everything is seemingly connected to the Internet, has sensory capabilities, and is informed or enhanced by artificial intelligence, companies are asking hard questions.

How can we maintain strategic focus? What steps can we take to encourage innovation?

Our approach is to maintain a strategic focus on data – specifically, the massive increase in the quantity of digital data flowing across the world’s broadband networks, as detailed above.

AI data

As more opportunities arise, we must identify what we should focus on – and what we should give up. Working closely with Huawei, our strategy is to focus on ICT infrastructure and smart devices, with the aim of ushering in an intelligent world.

This tight focus means Utopia are ideally placed to offer businesses optimum help and advice on maximising the incredible benefits this explosion of data offers to those who know how to harness it.

Our AI strategy is to deliver pervasive intelligence aimed at communications networks, with the goal of using AI to enhance our product and service competencies.

Our focus also helps us be clear on what we don’t do.

We don’t provide end-to-end solutions – we only provide enabling technologies such as networks, platforms, and operating systems.


Utopia Technology can help any business to employ the latest innovations in smart technology to gain genuine business benefit.

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to identify how companies can grow their business in the modern landscape. Contact us <here> Or call us on 0333 241 2526